Thursday, January 27, 2011

Movie Review: 'Crash'

** / *****

all the critics made this sound like some kind of great, insightful analysis of racial tension.
maybe i just dont get it but what does james spader having sex with rosanna arquettes leg wound have to do with race in america?
although who can blame him?
paul haggis misses the point completely.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Five Stages

hope you guys had a crazy good new years.
and a crazy good first three weeks of new years.
personally ive been kubler-rossing it up something fierce!
i guess im a pretty emotionally mature person, because i never had to go through the denial stage.
ive always known the world was going to end in 2012.
although things basically balanced out since i replaced that step with the “spontaneously projectile vomiting at the stroke of midnight while everyone else is trying to enjoy their champagne” stage of grief.
then came anger. i spent the first few days of 2011 complaining to everyone about how unfair it is that we should all die just because the mayans got bored of making calendars.
i mean, honestly. suck it up.
they should have appreciated that we wouldnt all have had the luxury of being long ago wiped out by spanish conquistadors (not sure if theyll play a role in 2012...)
but im pretty much over that. and i guess im past bargaining. ive already ruled out my plan of changing my grad school applications from film studies majors to fast track programs focusing on spaceship construction and terraforming
currently i am waist deep in soul smothering despair; so acceptance - here i come!
i cant wait until im reconciled to the fact that life must simply be lived to the fullest, cause i imagine that mindset involves a lot more sipping mai tais on the beach and a lot less having to pull the car over the side of the road cause you cant stop weeping hysterically.