Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Rut

im sorry to say that ive fallen into a rut this christmas season.
its my own fault. i jumped the gun when i went and learned the true meaning of thanksgiving.
total rookie mistake.
after something like that i need at least two months before i can start taking everyone and everything in my life for granted again.
without any true meaning of christmases to learn ive just been sitting around, drinking beer and eating cookies.
i was hoping last nights combination lunar eclipse / winter solstice / almost full moon / taco bell would stir up a little action, but i didnt see a single christmas werewolf.
the only thing i got from sitting outside all night with a gun was a cold.
so since i totally appreciate christmas all i can do is look forward to it.
oh well.
four more days.
get excited, i guess.

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