Monday, February 14, 2011

V-Day Heist

hey did you hear about that stuff in egypt?
thats pretty cool.
i feel the same way about it as i do about the cowboys & aliens movie.
im cautiously optimistic.
still i worry that civil order might be on the decline. first the stuff in the middle east, and then just yesterday i saw some guy steal a rose from food lion.
and i just let it happen.
i mean, i saw the guy slipping it under his coat and heading for the door, and i could have alerted the cashier, but i didnt.
cause i thought to myself, as i do in all high stress situations, “what would jesus do?” and i imagined that his reaction would be much the same as mine. specifically that hed be scared the guy would say, “man, what? i dont even have the scratch to buy my old lady a rose, and you want to hassle me about it? well i dont have five dollars, shylock! will a pound of flesh do?”
and then hed stab me.
and really hed have to, cause that rose was probably for someone special.
at least i assume it was. i doubt you could get much crack in exchange for a single red rose.
unless your dealer was a hopeless romantic, which i imagine would be hell for business.
so hopefully some poor person is a little happier this valentines day.
i guess if you dont have the money to buy someone you love a gift, its always best to steal it.
at least this way he wont end up like the gift of the magi.
unless his girlfriend took out a loan to buy him a super expensive “im so proud of you for not stealing my valentines day present” medal.
have a happy one.

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