i went to a halloween party last night.
i was the life of the party and whenever someone showed up who wasnt wearing a costume i was all like, "dude i love your homo costume."
whenever they were talking to someone who hadnt heard me say it yet i would saunter up and take them down another peg.
one guy started running when he saw me coming, and i made another guy cry.
totally sweet.
on the not so light side: jareds in a coma.
it seems "someone" thought it would be "funny" to put some "sugar" into jareds "water" sending him into a "diabetic coma".
things probably would have been fine like all those other times we put sugar into jareds food, only people thought he had passed out from low blood sugar, so they kept giving him mountain dew before the parametics showed up.
so now jared is like sleeping beauty. doomed to wait for his true loves kiss.
or maybe hell just die.
originally posted: Saturday, October 30, 2004
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