Saturday, August 14, 2010

my pal keith

keith is totally pimp. t-o-t-a-l-l-y p-i-m-p. and hes my best friend.
how pimp is keith?
at lunch today keith stole jared's lunch. jared is totally UNpimp. he has diabetes. pimps don't get diabetes
he stole jared's lunch and hide it on the floor. fool didn't even see it coming.
jared got all mad and said: "if i was a deaf kid that might have been humorful to your sick humor."
i don't get it.
i guess he couldn't hear people telling him where his lunch was.
it doesn't matter cause he's going to die at a young age cause of diabetes.
and keith will still be pimp.

originally posted:
Friday, October 22, 2004

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