Sunday, November 21, 2010

Xanga / Blogger

i feel like ive been having an affair.
recently ive been juggling two blogs, and i dont think thats fair to either one.
blogger, i think you need to know about xanga.
xanga is where this all started, and its got a very special place in my heart.
but i think the only people still using xanga are me, a couple of neo-nazis, and the website “freak fuck.”
especially “freak fuck,” which is the first hit whenever you use the xanga search function.
even if you search “swiftboatvet4truth.”
in fact, “freak fuck” is so pervasive that i have to assume that its revenue is the only thing keeping xanga afloat.
as much as i love xanga, i am not willing to rest the future of my online diary solely on the financial stability of a website featuring a man with penis hands giving it to the young ladies.
although i suspect that if anything is recession proof, that would be it.
so im not leaving my xanga.
im just going to be spending a lot more time with the younger version of my xanga whose links arent all broken.
i think we can make it work.

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