well im out of school, and only four days before christmas.
thats right: four days until christmas and i was taking a test on vectors.
i dont even know what vectors are.
which means i probably didnt do too hot on that test.
but im glad i went in cause i got a chance to slam this total nerd whos in my math class one last time before the holidays.
he was all like: "i hear this test deals with the fourth dimension."
so i was all like: "man, i have theme parties about 11-d, i aint scared of no 4-d!"
so then he was trying to be all smart like: "do you even know what the fourth dimension is?"
(here comes the slam) "its your mom!"
"my moms not time."
"not yet!"
"are you saying we live in my mom?"
"i do."
so yeah, i probably could have kept going like that.
in fact i probably could have made him cry.
but it is christmas so i let him off the hook.
have a good one.
originally posted: Wednesday, December 21, 2005
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