Wednesday, October 20, 2010


like a chinese communist, my blog is taking a great leap forward!
except this development probably wont result in the deaths of millions.
fingers crossed.
as a graduation present my parents got me a macbook laptop.
i was skeptical at first cause ive always assumed that macs were the gays mans pc, but ive got to admit, its pretty cool.
anyway, one of the things my mac lets me do is create my own podcasts.
do you know what this means?
you could burn me onto a cd and take me with you on long/gay road trips.
and if your dad starts getting all uptight and saying stuff like "this young man borders on gross misconduct!" just remind him that without me, the trip would achieve gross boredom.
thatll shut him up.
or get you hit.
heres the link.
its like 7 minutes long so it might take a while to load, but genius is worth it.

originally posted:
Saturday, June 03, 2006

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