well im going back to school tomorrow but what a break it has been!
those miners died, which highly sucks, and i made my first mix cd, which is totally awesome.
i got the idea while i was watching that usher movie "in the mix" which is still "in theaters".
so anyway, i was rocking out to my cd today when i had the pimpest idea since 'i could manage prostitutes!'
i can burn all of you guys a copy and we can all listen to it and call each other up and be like: "hey what track are you listening to?"
"track 4."
"oh cool, im listening to track 9. i remember when i was listening to track 4. those were good times."
it would be like, you know how close we all are right now?
we would be that much closer.
and i want that.
so much.
originally posted: Sunday, January 08, 2006
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