Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Winter Olympics

last night i originally intended to just watch house on haunted hill then go to sleep, but the announcer was all like: "coming up next, lou diamond phillips battles nocturnal terror in bats!"
i mean come on.
i couldnt turn the tv off after that.
bats is an awesome movie, but its not one to start watching at midnight.
the films a total emotional roller coaster, punctuated by moments of intense boredom.
long story short, i sort of passed out during the scene where the heroes are wading through waist deep liquid guano.
i got up to get myself a soda and i just fell over.
anyway, i woke up this morning to some news show whining about how the us hasnt done so hot in the winter olympics.
i havent been watching the winter olympics for the same reason that im not upset by that news: theyre gay. in every sense of the word.
i think there should be nothing but shame connected with doing well at the winter olympics, because that says that people in your country are willing to spend enough time in spangly outfits and/or skin tight lycra to get really good at those sports.
china has only won two gold metals at the olympics.
thats less then estonia.
thats because china knows that they should save the good steroids for the real olympics.
would anyone be proud of jesse owens if he had defeated hitlers ubermensch at figure skating?
i dont think so.

originally posted:
Saturday, February 25, 2006

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