ive already made all kinds of exciting new multiethnic friends!
case in point: now ive got a fat chinese friend.
i wont link to him, because of privacy issues, but you can tell from the photo hes cool. hes all like: "i got it made in the shade drinking lemonade!"
anyway, all the friends ive been making made me realize that i really havent had a best friend since gary hung himself.
i think the reason why its been so hard for me to find a new best friend is that ive depleted wars under 35 population, so ive decided to find my new best friend over the internet.
ive already meet this pretty cool guy called IRishDude.
i meet him in this chat room called "irish dudes".
he says hes really irish, but thats probably a lie.
heres a conversation we had last night:
IRishDude: y0
NIGHTmasterzzz (that’s me): sup
IRishDude: dud3
IRishDude: 1 ju5t dump3d h3lda
NIGHTmasterzzz: sweet
NIGHTmasterzzz: soundd like
NIGHTmasterzzz: she waz 4 degreez of lame
IRishDude: t0tlly.
IRishDude: want t0 c0me t0 a p0tat0 bak3
IRishDude: ?
NIGHTmasterzzz: dude you cant eat so many potatoes.
NIGHTmasterzzz: if u do there will be another famine.
IRishDude: D0N’T 3V3N 5AY THAT
IRishDude: 0MG
IRishDude: BRB
NIGHTmasterzzz: ur eting a potato right now arent u
NIGHTmasterzzz: dude
NIGHTmasterzzz: ?
NIGHTmasterzzz: latr.
originally posted: Friday, February 03, 2006
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