okay i was already in a bad mood today since womens history month snuck up on me.
and not snuck up on me like "oh no! its your birthday already jesus!?"
snuck up on me like a vampire who wants to suck my essence and tell me about womens "achievements".
but this is what really ticked me off. if youre like me and know the password to your parents email account, youve already seen this:
"Dear Sir and/or Madame,
I regret to inform you that your son has been keeping an electronic diary, also known as a Xanga. However, unlike the diaries of yore, there are no tiny novelty locks and keys for Xangas. Any pedophile can find detailed information about your son as well as a seductive picture of his supple young teenage head. While that 'smile' might be his way of saying "Hey guys," to a pedophile it screams, "Please seek me out and rape me!" With your son looking forward to a bright future, the last thing he needs is a severe raping. Please sit him down and talk with him about his Xanga. Maybe you could encourage him to keep a traditional diary if you got him a pretty one with dolphins or ponies on it.
With concern,
Dr. Dooley"
listen here doc dooley, first of all its not an electronic diary. its a web log!
secondly, you and your pretty ponies can get bent!
and just in case any pedophile are casing me, look up my friend phil. his parents are usually out until 7 pm and if the doors locked theres a spare key under that obviously fake rock next to the door.
sorry phil, but that rock doesnt fool anyone.
originally posted: Thursday, March 02, 2006
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