Thursday, October 28, 2010


yes, i did go to my local tea party.
partly it was so i could be a part of history, partly it was because i hadnt done that days reading for my sociology of thai transsexuals class (not as interesting as the course catalog made it sound).
the last thing i need at 9:30 in the morning is professor jungrungreangkit giving me the stink eye.
the whole thing made me feel really good. i dont want the $4 the man took out of my phone interviewer paycheck lining the pockets of some wall street fat cat.
still, it would have been nice if more people had paid attention to us.
i was hoping that the media would come out and interview me about why i was there, and the significance of my native american garb.
it also would have been cool if the police had come out and shot me with a rubber bullet. then i could have shown people the bruise while explaining why i was there, and the significance of my native american garb.
as it was, there was a lot of down time. fortunately some guy dressed as superman (he explained it, and it made a lot of sense at the time but ive forgotten the reason) had brought his iphone and we spent a lot of time looking at youtube videos.
how did barnyard commandos get canceled?
did those guys ever do anything else, because if the answer is yes i want to see it!
he also showed me his twitter.
he twitters about all kinds of stuff, like “showing a guy my twitter =-)” which sounds pretty gay, but is also pretty awesome.
so ive decided to start up a twitter. its the next logical step in my expansion of the frank berry franchise.
shaq has one. p diddy has one. why not me?
and maybe ill update it more often than once every two months.

originally posted:
Sunday, April 19, 2009

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