Sunday, October 24, 2010


wow, so its been over a month.
theres a lot of stuff to cover.
lets see… i guess february ended at some point.
you know for the first time in my life i was kinda sad to see it go.
dont get me wrong, im no fan of black history month.
far from it.
but i did appreciate the way mnu celebrated it by having fried chicken and catfish in the cafeteria every day.
i dont think martin luther king could have asked for a more culturally sensitive or delicious celebration of black people.
i bet malcolm x would have bitched about the blackberry cobbler, but once it cast off its slave name he probably would have been cool with it too.
and um… then the time changed… and um…
oh right! spring break!
i went back to war over spring break and i am proud to report that i was not date raped.
i think this was really a joint effort of all the informative posters put up in my dorm and the fact that i almost never left the house.
but something still could have happened.
some frat boys could have broken into my house and left out a spiked beverage.
i would have been ready for it.

originally posted:
Sunday, March 25, 2007

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