Friday, October 22, 2010


hope youve been enjoying your non-communist may day alternative.
personally, ive been spending the whole day (and all the days since ive been here) trying to think of how to reinvent myself.
i mean seriously why go somewhere no one knows you and stay the same?
but the whole thing is proving to be pretty hard. if my parents had just used the money saved on my scholarship to give me that plastic surgery i wanted id be sitting pretty, literally.
but no, ive got to go much smaller scale and so far all ive come up with is ‘frank berry: jazz enthusiast’.
thats pretty good, but there are way too many potential drawbacks.
like that fact that someone would probably try to make me listen to jazz.
and i freakin hate jazz.
if louis armstrong was here right now, id punch him in the stomach when he wasnt expecting it in hopes it would rupture something.
actually, that probably wouldnt bother him too much.
what with him being dead and all
speaking of dead: crocodile hunter.
the news is at the same time shocking and completely expected.
im glad he didnt die before i went off for college because whenever i did stupid crap i always used him to justify it.
i probably wouldnt have had the guts to jump off the roof into the pile of stuffed animals if my parents had countered with “fine, but dont come crying to us when a stingray lances your heart with its poisonous barb!”
of course, if i hadnt done that i wouldnt have this limp...
still, rip steve irwin.

originally posted:
Monday, September 04, 2006

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