so i just had my first day of classes.
which is pretty good considering that school started over a week ago.
when i went to class, all my professors tried to get up in my grill but i just lied and told them i had been in washington attending obamas inauguration.
i finished up my story about how amazing it was by saying, “its like bob dylan said: the times,” then i paused dramatically, “they are a changin.”
then the professor smiled and nodded slightly as if to say, “yeah… i guess they are.”
and then, as though i had read his mind, i quietly said, “yeah.”
i plan on using the same line to explain why i wont be in class the day of any speech obama gives.
i know what youre probably thinking. youre probably all, ‘frank, isnt it overly optimistic to put so much faith in one man?’
no worries. even if obama sucks, the same line will work with slight alteration.
ill just say, “its like bob dylan said,” then ill look down at the ground, “the times, they are a ch- ”
ill stop there, like im too upset to speak, and just when it seems like i wont be able to continue ill bravely rally and find the strength to finish the lyrics: “they are a changin.”
then the professor will smile and nod, but in a sad way, and ill say: “yeah.”
i cant wait till i get a chance to reelect him!
obama 2012
... oh wait, i forgot
originally posted: Friday, January 23, 2009
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