Sunday, October 24, 2010

Hanukkah (sp?)

boy i sure got behind in the old xanga.
youd think i was in college and had finals or something.
seriously, my "chinese women and their impact on salsa dance" (which was very small) exam was a bitch and a half.
anyway, im done with all that.
im flying home tomorrow and im looking forward to being back.
for one thing itll be a chance to see my family and friends again.
for another itll be a chance to get away from all this hanukkah stuff.
i mean seriously, this is a nazarene school. now i still havent 100% worked out what that entails but it sure isnt jewish.
but you wouldnt know that from all the menorahs and dreidels and latkes hanging around.
i guess i can kinda see where theyre coming from with all that stuff, seeing as how hanukkah is going on right now, but hanukkah isnt something to get this worked up about.
youd think it was christmas the way people are celebrating it.
i think the problem with hanukkah is that they drag it out too long.
i mean christmas, you build up and then you have it and its awesome.
hanukkah is kinda like the new james bond movie.
like the first day is up to the point where bond gets his testicles demolished by the terrorists. youre getting your presents and celebrating the defeat (?) of the romans (?) and thats cool.
then by the eighth day its like “come on, are we going to sit through his whole vacation or what?

originally posted:
Monday, December 18, 2006

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