im sorry guys. i was going to use this three day weekend to get into all kinds of crazy sitchyations but it just didnt work out.
friday was st.patricks day and i didnt have anything green so i had to hide in my room all day for fear of being pinched by the irish (i wish those snakes had bitten st.patrick in the face).
then yesterday i was forced to go to the academic jamboree.
it was about as much fun as youd expect something where a bunch of nerds answer questions like, "how many pituitary glands does the average human have?" to be.
by the way, turns out the correct answer is one.
i guess that means im special.
and that ill probably die at a young age.
so i spent all of today making a list of things i might want to get done before im 30.
the list has like, 100 things on it. the highlights are: write the great american novel, have bastard child, eat something poisonous and live.
i better get crackin.
originally posted: Sunday, March 19, 2006
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