Sunday, October 17, 2010

Stage Manager

sorry i didnt update last week, ive been busy working on college applications.
and by "college applications" i mean "pictures of my head on a cheetahs body".
imagine how fast i would be…
ive also been working as stage manager on this years christmas pageant.
i used to think acting in that thing was a rush, but this is twice the awesome!
its my job to make sure everything runs smoothly and all the wise men have the right gifts.
dont want one of them trying to bring a ham on.
seriously, if the herdmans had tried that with me in charge i would have come down on them like the wrath of god.
anyway, the jobs pretty cool except now my preacher feels comfortable around me so he keeps telling these jokes about hare lips and nymphos and fruit sales.
i laugh, but inside im screaming.

originally posted:
Friday, December 09, 2005

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