Thursday, October 28, 2010


hope everybody had a good memorial day. mine was ok, though i did end up having to go see my grandpa to pay tribute to his service.
i managed to get away pretty early though. he doesnt get around so well anymore and he wanted me to go out and get him some milk. so i went out and never came back.
he called the house later and was so glad i was alive he didnt yell at me or anything.
so with all the free time that left me i decided to give my wisdom teeth a final hurrah by gnawing on hard things.
im having surgery today to get them taken out and im looking forward to being done with it.
since people found out i was having the operation, my inbox has been flooded with articles about all the things that can go wrong with surgery in general.
you know, stuff about the chances of dying from anesthesia and cases where people were put to sleep but could still feel everything, only they couldnt scream or let anyone know or anything.
not that i havent been given some good advice.
a friend recommended that i use a permanent marker to write "wisdom teeth" over and over all over my body, because sometimes the doctors forget what they were supposed to remove and amputate a leg or something.
im planning on spending the rest of my time before the surgery taking photos of my face expressing various emotions, just in case the doctors destroy my facial nerves and my face becomes a blank mask (it happens!)
i figure if that happens i can print the photos out and carry them around, then i can hold them over my real face whenever i want to express emotion.
which would actually be a great indie movie.
that photo-face guy could fall in love with some spacey karaoke enthusiast who lives with her widowed father, who spends his days reenacting wwii battles with toy soldiers in his basement.
that would win the shit out of sundance

originally posted:
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

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