Friday, October 22, 2010

Spooktacular I

its that time of year again and im stoked!
a fresh spooktastic start in a new spooktastic city!
so long roman numerals ive just been faking since spooktacular 4! welcome back capital I!
this year im going to totally be the host with the most cause im dressing up as the scariest thing on campus: an overenthusiastic cafeteria employee.
you know what im talking about, those guys who are just way too into it. like, to the extent where they seem to be saying “i did something horrible to this food, and youll never know what.”
im not saying you cant find fulfillment in that job (some peoples dream really do suck that hard), im just saying you cant find that much.
as for you guys back in west virginia having. . . 12?
anyway, i might not be there to personally yell at you to stop being a freaking baby and sit the hell down whenever you try to go to the bathroom, but feel free to follow along and carry on the tradition.

originally posted:
Thursday, October 26, 2006

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