Monday, October 25, 2010


sorry i havent updated in a while, ive had a lot of stuff going on.
for one, ive been working.
no, none of the air conditioned places i applied at wanted to hire me, so ive been working as an assistant handyman.
it pays pretty good and all it entails is standing out in 100 degree weather, helping out a middle aged man who quietly makes me feel ashamed of how tired i am.
but it will all be worth it when we meet up and you say, "wow, I probably couldnt do that," and then i sort of half smile as if to say, "no, you probably couldnt."
then i had to read the new harry potter.
well, not the whole thing.
i mean 784 pages? what am i, burgess meredith?
no i flipped to the end when i got it home and have spent the time since recovering from the emotional punishment i received.
it was good, but im still kind of disappointed she didnt go the real risky route.
see, i would have had harry get brain cancer around the fourth chapter and the rest of the book would just be him dealing with his mortality while everyone else struggled with their faith in god.
it would have been a turn off for the younger audience, but they probably could have gotten ingmar bergman to do the movie.
if he wasnt. you know…
and ive got exciting news: im on youtube
up until now, i thought youtube was only for clips of tv shows that have been off the air since i was 5 and anime dubbed with audio from black comedians.
turns out, you can upload your own stuff.
who knows, i could be the next surprised prairie dog.
or i could get 10 views over the course of the next 10 years.

originally posted:
Saturday, August 11, 2007

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