well, proms tonight and ive got a hot date.
with the discovery channel. and a documentary about ants.
i had been planning to go this year, but i just missed my chance.
see i was getting up the nerve to ask tiffany to prom but then she burnt down her stepdads trailer.
after shooting him in the face.
so i guess she wont be going to prom. or anything outside of the nearest womens correctional facility for the next 25 years.
so then i was going to ask some other girl, but all the hot chicks were taken.
and so were all the not ugly chicks.
the only person left was this albino girl who gives me the night terrors.
dont get me wrong, ive got nothing against albinos.
im just glad they cant go out during the day.
besides, im pretty sure albinos excrete special vaguely protective/foul-smelling oils from their skin, so unless i brought a lot of plastic tarp shed probably have ruined the inside of my car and my man corsage (my mansage)
im not too bummed out, but i do regret not being there for this years theme "unda' da' sea" which promised a nautical night to remember as well as a classic rant from jamal about sebastian.
he should just shut up and be happy we dont have the segregated prom anymore.
he must have had a terrible time all by himself last year.
so dont worry about me all you lovebirds, male/female friends, and people who hate each other with a deep burning passion but are still going together.
ill be fine.
enjoy this song and hope you dont run into any weaver ants.
those things will mess you up.
originally posted: Saturday, April 01, 2006
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