Monday, October 18, 2010


valentines day was yesterday and i hope you all had as spoooooooky a valentines day as mmmmmeeee!
so check it: i was totally bummed because no one had gotten me anything for v-day.
i went to bed and at like 12 i heard something scratching at the window and i was thinking out loud like: "its probably that retarded neighbor kid scratching at my window again."
so i didnt think anything of it.
besides that.
so i went back to sleep and then there was this big bang so i went outside and i found a piece of paper on my windowsill.
i swear to god this is what it said:
"oh fickle frank you never see,
how much you really mean to me,
so ill wrap you up in my cold dead arms,
and pull you screaming into my deep dark hell.
Y.S.A, Gary."
garys been dead for over 7 months.
… so thats a pretty special valentine.
i mean, sure the last bit didnt rhythm, but hes dead.
its still pretty impressive!

originally posted:
Wednesday, February 15, 2006

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