so were getting dangerously close to a crisis point with the spooktacular
a lot of my friends have been saying they wont come this year because they want to “go to fun parties,” and not hang out with me in my “room, which smells like mildew by the way, watching lame movies.”
and not like the ghost boo. boo as in boo.
first: any halloween party that claims to even come close to matching my spooktacular is, at best, massively deluded, and at worst severely retarded and in need of some type of live-in caregiver to keep it from setting fires so it can see the pretty colors.
second: if the smell really bothers you guys, we can crack a window. just ask. im not going to get an attitude about it like smelly dean.
third: lame? oh yeah, the movies i spend a year picking out are lame. i guess im wasting my time. i mean just look at this years blisteringly awesome line up. it cant possibly be that youre scared youll dump yourself in the middle of the party and it will spawn some hilarious/humiliating new nickname.
no, that cant be it.
so dont wuss out.
be there.
as long as youre not dressed like the joker.
im going as the joker. i called it right after i saw the movie and anyone else who dresses as the joker is a poser. seriously, if anyone shows up dressed as the joker i wont let them in.
no exceptions.
why so serious?
because i love halloween.
originally posted: Sunday, October 26, 2008
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