Friday, October 22, 2010

Primary Election

i know this is weird. this is breaking the once a week (or two weeks, or three) rule, but i just saw something that deserves blogging on.
now, if youre like me you had no idea that there was a primary election today.
or that there was such a thing as 'primary elections'.
well i found out there was because i was going to the gym today and next to it there were a bunch of arcade games and they were playing all this loud cool music like "jump on it".
so i thought that was all pretty cool until i found out this was all a front for getting people to vote in the primary election.
the primary elections arent cool enough to warrant the "jump on it" song.
in fact, almost nothing is.
maybe pogs are, but i dont think they make those anymore.
if they did i would totally jump on it.
so to teach elections to be more honest, im never going to vote.
you gotta be firm!

originally posted:
Tuesday, September 19, 2006

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