Friday, October 22, 2010


yeah sorry i didnt update last week, ive been busy being in college.
anyway, some lame news: the jig is up.
mnu figured out i was stealing their $20 a month dorm room wireless so im writing this entry outside.
this is a battle of the wills right here.
since im in the great plains, the most appropriate way to explain this situation is with a western metaphor.
well, i guess a wheat metaphor would be more apt, but those arent very interesting.
i should know, ive been hearing a lot of them.
im like clint eastwood and mnu is like a jewish guy made up to look like a mexican.
so this jexican has drawn a line in the sand and hes all like, “cross zees line if you want wirelezz in your room senor!”
and im all squinting at him and like, “let me ask you something punk, do you think making me surf the web outside is going to stop me from looking at horrifying porn?”
now we just need to see who caves first.
will i be won over by the need for convenience, or will they be overwhelmed with complaints about my browsing the asiananimalovefetish/davidhubbs archive in public?
weve got four years to find out.
(note: unless i figure out an easy way to steal internet from my roommate, ill probably break down in a few weeks)

originally posted:
Monday, September 18, 2006

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