my life is the most incredible thing you could find if you sailed these seven seas!
i thought that the only thing id have to report about last week was the fact that i finished all my exams, and then friday came into my life.
i had just gotten home when i got a call from wang li.
he was all like: "theres a hostage situation at school! some madman has taken over and says hell shoot one student for every hour the school district doesnt get him a jet plane!"
you lay out a situation like that to me, what am i supposed to do? sit back like some frightened asian?
i took out my familys shotgun and headed off for the school.
now, when i did this, heres what i imagined would happen:
i would burst in there and the crazy dude would be holding a gun to some hot chicks head and hed be all like, "no risk, no reward!" and shed be all like, "take the shot!" and id be like, "lets dance."
then id blow him away.
unfortunately, there was no hostage situation. there wasnt even an armed intruder.
until i came in.
its funny how life works.
if the situation had played out like i imagined it would, id be a hero.
as it stands, im awaiting trial.
originally posted: Sunday, May 14, 2006
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