Monday, October 25, 2010


so i had my second car accident earlier this week.
there are a lot of things that are not me that i am blaming this on, but the main thing is wars unnecessarily coy and nonexistent job market.
see, the only reason i was out was because i wanted to drop off a job application at the local movie theater.
i had tried to drop it off the day before but they said they only accepted them on certain days.
so what with the car crash i didnt make it down there, so i went the next possible day they were accepting.
then when i handed in my application i asked the manager, the same chick i got the application from and who told me to come back later, if they actually had jobs.
and she was all like: “what jobs? like, real jobs? like, right now? no. but were always excepting applications.”

its like meeting a girl and you have a great time with her and she tells you to come pick her up again some time, but then when you swing by her house some old crone tells you she died twenty years ago.
except its not spooky.
its just annoying and stupid.
so anyway ive decided that theater can screw off.
you wont catch me dead in that place.
at least not until transformers comes out.
because my experience has reminded me how exciting it is when cars that arent even robots in disguise smash into each other.

originally posted:
Friday, June 15, 2007

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