Thursday, October 21, 2010

We Won

thats what ill be reminding everyone here in england of today.
so far its been a good trip.
i feel like im in a dickens novel!
i mean, i imagine that if i ever read a dickens novel (way too long) it will be exactly the same.
i keep expecting some laundry wench to pop out and be like: "beggin ye pardons me lord, ill just be washing yon underwears now."
to which id probably be all like: "whatevas."
its good that the trip is going smoothly now, cause it was a pain getting out here.
it wasnt enough to make me regret the trip, but it did make me nostolgic for the days of my youth, when imagination made it so that a vacation was only as far away as the nearest crappy cardboard box.
the last time i tried to use my imagination was when the scifi channel did that movie about man thing.
i flooded my backyard with the hose so it could be my swampy domain.
my parents were hella pissed.
i tried explaining to them that i was man thing and i needed a swamp to rule over, otherwise id just some indian eating freak.
they told me to get a damn job.

originally posted:
Tuesday, July 04, 2006

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