Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Jolly Ol' Vacation

i just got back from kansas last week and my family is already going on another trip!
see, we had to drive to olathe, kansas for my orientation.
it was moderately gay.
oh, im sorry. i should say lame, because if i said gay then some gay dude reading this (yeah right) would be like "that maketh me feel tho terrible!"
i learned that at the racial tolerance seminar i had to go to.
i mean, you guys listened to my podcast! i already know all that stuff!
i gave them the link but it must not have been working because they just made me sit on the front row.
trust me, when people are talking about "how da man done kept dem down" you dont want to be within spittle range.
it wasnt too bad with most of the presenters, but one of the guys had aids!
im sorry but when his spit landed on me i started screaming and tried to run to the bathroom.
apparently in order to be tolerant of people with aids you have to want it yourself.
i guess i hate cancer victims too.
so anyway, now were going to be visiting england for a month, so im not sure how often ill be able to update while im there.
the thing is, i dont think they have the internet in england.
i think they only have scones.
still, im pretty stocked about the whole trip.
im going to be like garfield in garfield 2: a tail of two kitties.
except im not a fat load.
or a cat.

originally posted:
Sunday, June 25, 2006

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