Monday, October 18, 2010

Web Review: imdb (specifically the hayden christensen message board)'

* / *****

hey imdb, todays word of the day is: i hate you!
seriously, i used to go here all the time for the latest movie news and celebrity gossip, but no more!
not after what jerks those guys were to me on the message boards.
i dont care what they say, me and hayden christensen could be twins!
like, ashton kutcher and me could get me to pretend to be him and go around saying i (him) was gay and then we could go to his house and be like: "you got punkd and you didnt even know it."
even hayden christensen would have to admit that was a good one.

well surprize surprize. the man deleted my message thread.

originally posted: Friday, January 27, 2006

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