so almost two months.
in my defense i had finals.
at some point.
then when those were done i had to deal with the fact that i havent been able to have a coherent thought since school let out.
i guess you could argue that, from a philosophical standpoint, i havent existed for a few weeks now.
but if you did that id probably tell you to shut up and let me finish watching nightbreed.
anyway, i know im alive because the dead dont go around applying for summer jobs.
it just doesnt happen.
and if it does people keep it to themselves.
anyway, finding a job is a lot harder than i thought.
i figured it would be easy because with my one year of college, im pretty much the smartest guy in town.
unfortunately, most of the jobs here seem to require some degree of experience.
not 3 hours of course credit from "vampires in classical dutch painting" (which is a pretty easy class because there arent many)
anyway, maybe during the summer ill update more regularly.
or maybe ill be too busy making hamburgers/being incredibly depressed because no one is willing to trust me with the responsibility of making hamburgers.
well just have to wait and see.
originally posted: Wednesday, June 06, 2007
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