Thursday, October 14, 2010

Get Straight

today was sweet cause all i had to do was go see the get straight program at school.
get straight is one of those things where they bring inmates into the school and they either teach you a valuable lesson or escape and kill a student.
turns out that, while you need parental permission to leave school and visit a gumdrop taste testing factory, as long as the prisoners are on school grounds you can go see them anytime.
but the guys there had been arrested for a bunch of different things. like frontin'... and vehicular manslaughter.
while the thing had too few violent prison stories and too many poems it was still pretty cool cause there were some alumni there.
go fighting cowboy bears!
the coolest thing was that kenneth was there.
hes looking good.
hes got some cool new tattoos, but i didnt want to ask him about them cause you never know which one means prison bride.
being a prison bride would suck.
but if todays presentation taught me anything it was that most prisoners are whiny and introspective.
so if i do ever end up there all i have to do is stick a shiv into the biggest poetry writing sissy and ill be king of the joint.

originally posted:
Tuesday, January 25, 2005

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