Friday, October 15, 2010

Oct 21.

its been 365 days since a black person reportedly brought a gun into school and made me realize that life is reportedly too short not to tell people what im doing.
a years an especially long time for me cause i think of time in terms of how long it takes to make some kraft macaronni and cheese, or as i like to call it: mac n cheeze.
takes me an hour to eat a bowl of that stuff.
doesnt help that im lactose intolerant.
anyway, when my parents found out about my blog, they were skeptical.
well skeptical isnt the right word. they were mean and sarcastic.
they were all like "youll never be responsible enough to maintain a web blog!"
well i proved them wrong.
maybe now theyll buy me that damn puppy!

originally posted:
Friday, October 21, 2005

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