oh man, last week was really hectic.
like i said in my dracula 3000 (it gets better every time i watch it) review, me and grandpa have been drifting apart, so my parents have been trying to force us back together.
like they thought it would be a good idea for me to make him a special veterans day breakfast.
i remember it all too well: i made him some eggs, toast, and a big old glass of metamucil.
and then i put a big old dead bug in it.
i dont know, it was early. it seemed funny/appropriate.
grandpa wasnt too appreciative though, he took off his belt and said he was going to tan my hide, so i threw my hot chocolate in his face. and i like my hot chocolate hot. ive always said: "if its not hot, its just chocolate crap in water."
grandpa knew what he was getting into.
so then my parents were all like: "this will be the perfect time for you two to bond, you can drive gramps to the veterans hospital!"
the nearest veterans hosptial is a 2 hour drive.
and grandpa had third degree burns.
needless to say, i had to put up with a lot of screaming.
then when we finally got to the hospital we had to wait a long time while a bunch of angry people told me how i didnt know what sacrifice was.
yeah, whatever.
at least i got both my legs.
then i had to listen to grandpa all the way coming back talking about how if we were in some communist country like poland i would be put to death for grandpa burning.
still, i got the day off school.
originally posted: Tuesday, November 15, 2005
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