hows this for gay news: my family is sending me to camp for like 6 weeks.
all because i said i wanted to be a coal miner!
my grandpa was all like: "no grandson of mine is going to get the black lung!"
grandpa is so last century.
just because he had some bad experiences coal mining, its automatically bad.
i mean look at this ad.
these people could be modeling, but they choose to coal mine!
anyway, im probably not going to be updating since i dont think this camp has computers.
and im not gonna bring one with me, cause summer camps are for last hope kids.
if your parents send you to camp you know you better shape up, before they smother you with a pillow in the middle of the night to save themselves years of shame.
so yeah, until i get back ill just be playing this song.
personally i cant listen to this thing without thinking of dennis hopper putting on makeup and beating the crap out of kyle maclachlan.
that movie man, it did for sadistic middle aged drug addicts what jaws did for sharks.
if only people knew that most sadistic middle aged drug addicts are more afraid of us then we are of them.
originally posted: Saturday, June 18, 2005
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