Thursday, October 14, 2010

Happy New Year

i was listening to the radio and it had a philosopher on.
he said that since dick clark didnt declare it a new year it isnt.
well i for one think regis did a great job.
i also dont think we should give dick clark that much power.
and i know it is the new year because the twilight zone marathon showed that talky tina episode right at midnight.
you know, where the doll kills kojak.
so it is the new year.
but what if the new year really does depend on dick clark?
and what if he dies and we are stuck in 2004 forever?
that would be like a real life twilight zone.
and then that smug guy would come out and be all like, "a kid in west virginia stuck forever in a year that ended in 4. file that under i for ironic, in the twilight zone."

originally posted:
Saturday, January 01, 2005

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