Thursday, October 14, 2010

Movie Review: 'Candyman 2 - Farewell to the Flesh'

**** / *****

a lot of people have said that bill condon really made his mark by making films like 'gods and monsters' and 'kinsey'.
however those films are both about penises.
and 'kinsey' makes a hero out of a modern-day mengele (a fact that the liberal media tried to supress by jumping on the poor women of cwa, keep the fight alive sistas!)
now i saw candyman 2 on the scifi channel and it wasnt half bad.
i encourage all of you to buy this dvd and send a clear message to mr.condon:
"stick to what your good at. make candyman sequels, not nazi-penis love fests."
thank you.

originally posted: Monday, January 03, 2005

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