dude im finally out of school.
winter break
in my last class of the day my teacher wished us a merry christmas
then jamal was all like “hey i celebrate kwanzaa. should i not have a merry kwanzaa, cause im black?”
first of all, jamal is not black. his dad is black. his mom is not. and no matter how many times he reads malcom xs autobiography that will never change.
secondly, i dont know what kwanzaa is.
i think it is black hanukkah, but i could be wrong.
but it isnt a real holiday because whenever it is they still deliver mail and mail men have every day off.
in fact Kwanzaa might be the only day mail is delivered.
so i was all like, “hey im half wookie. what about a merry life day?”
then jamal was all like, “dont belittle my culture by comparing it to some star wars christmas musical.”
so i was like, “dont belittle my star wars christmas musical by saying kwanzaa is more important than it.”
so long story short, jamal sucks.
and if i knew what kwanzaa was im sure i would think it sucked too.
originally posted: Wednesday, December 22, 2004
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