yeah, turns out that mothman thing was a big misunderstanding.
see when my parents said "do you want to go hunt the mothman," what they really said was "do you want to compete in the nyc international spelling bee?"
and when i said "yeah," what i really said was "sure!"
except for the chinese and arabs (who dont so much have letters as stupid things) i was pretty much the worst speller there.
i was out on my first word: circumstance.
C-Y, and that's as far as they let me go. i still could have turned it around. guess that's new yorkers for you.
so i had a lot of time to just go around the city. its pretty cool.
they had gay street performers and auto-soup dispensers. and a red lobster. with a big rotating red lobster out front.
the only bad thing was at the metropolitan museum all but one of the urinals were broken, so there were like four guys trying to use the same one.
and this one guy wizzed on my arm.
i thought we were cool about the whole thing, i mean we exchanged insurance and everything.
then while i was trying to chat this girl up over by the egyptian crap he came up and was all like: "monsieur," im not sure if he was french or just annoying,"surely you will need to shower to remove the scent of urine!"
and then he walked off.
so yeah.... thanks for the advice.
originally posted: Tuesday, June 14, 2005
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