Thursday, October 14, 2010


prom is this week and i can hardly wait.
cause ive been working really hard on the decorating committee.
ive been making banners. confetti. balloons. balloon animals.
pretty much anything that festoons.
course im not going. not anymore at least.
see, we had an assembly today called 'The Dangers of Prom- A Night to Remember (In Hell)'
allow me to lay down some numbers which were laid down on me!
78% of kids who go to prom end up paralyzed.
62% of kids who go to prom end up being sold into slavery.
25% of guys who go to prom end up gay (though there is some overlap with the slavery statistic).
turns out prom is scarier nam.
only in nam there was a lot more pot. and a lot less letters.
well 1 less.

originally posted:
Wednesday, April 13, 2005

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